NEW ENGLANDER, TM. Artist, conceptual surreal & abstract. All-round visionary TM. Inventor, Musician, Writer ( black comedy, science fiction)& Poet. Photographer & Film Maker. Dedicated spiritual seeker. Philosopher/Devotee. Working class hero. Creative original mind. This Blog a resource, hub and tool in sparking a new and free Britain, where real talent, compassion and sane values are promoted.

Location: London

Michael St. Mark is selectively available to companies to enhance their corporate image with visionary totally new imaginations and inspirations. To innovate new marketing strategy and creatively troubleshoot. A copywriting expert with real panache, he will add punch and startle to your advertising campaign, beef up your sitcom writing team. He is also open to regular column offers within ethical journalism and advances for fiction and science fiction novel publications.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


A dentist's nightmare, this blog. His mainstay of income buggered, his raison d'etre almost gone.

About every three months for 20 years I had to reluctantly report to my dentist with problems. A hole to be drilled & filled here and there, progressing to root canal treatments through to some extractions and crowns fitted. Thousands of quid into their pockets. The pain made my eyes water. Now I'm the Barry Sheen of dentistry, all darkly shining amalgam, posts and caps. Ok I was a bit of a sweets & chocolate junkie but I did brush and mouthwash. I was also nearly 17st or 230lbs.
I've been without any sugar whatsover for over two years now ~ one does not need sugar in ones diet but in ones bloodstream and the body produces its own sugar from a healthy diet ~ and I went back for a check-up only last week, the first in the 2 years ~ and diddly squat work to be done. I'm also down to 13st and feel great.

How about that!

This is only one example of how this wretched evil food industry is causing suffering amongst the ignorant populace. Now here's the GUTS of the matter.
Widespread and large-portion ingestion of refined and high carbohydrate foods in the forms of pizzas, cakes, crisps, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, bread, potatoes, cereals, pasta and rice are causing epidemic levels not only of obesity but also depression, lethargy and fearsome cholestrol levels inducing heart attacks and strokes.

No wonder the nation is in such a fucking state.

These refined and high carbohydrate foods are filling retailers' shelves and are also highly, highly addictive. These "foods" are also highly, highly profitable for the industry. No one dares take on Tate & Lyle. These evil weasels know the effect their poisonous products are having on peoples' health so they employ paid off scientific lap dog yes men to conduct phoney research with rigged published results such as "a healthy diet requires sugar". . . The Govt. then giving a nod and a wink and the go-ahead for more suffering to be unleashed on our people under the excuse of " research shows. .. ." and " a healthy diet includes sugar. . ."

Shameless unprincipled bastards.

Up until c. 1800, everyone on the planet was a fat-burner and produced their own blood sugars. We were evolved on a low carbohydrate high fat diet. Look at animals in the wild ~ they're as fit as butchers' dogs.
By switching to a high fat ( cheese, fish, meat & veg (( no spuds!)) & some fruit) diet the body switches from burning the calories in carbs to burning the calories in fat, for energy. Fat-burning hormones are then naturally produced which also BURN THE FAT STORED IN THE BODY as well as IN THE ARTERIES ( cholestrol). Healthy weight loss, increase in energy & feelings of well being, drop in bad cholestrol levels and blood pressure are the results.

Conversely, burning these refined carbs means this fat-burning mechanism is switched OFF so all the excess calories in the food are stored as fat ~ on the body and in the arteries. Refined carbohydrates are also proven to depress the CNS and debilitate energy levels.
Take note if you want a happy healthy life folk. Atkins tells it like it is. And tough, dentists. You can always re-train as plumbers or car mechanics.


Sunday, April 24, 2005


Has anyone noticed these past few years the deterioration in originality and creativity throughout the media? Or if you prefer a simplification, chronic shortage of downright interesting stuff?
Whether it be the music scene, fiction, television or radio, it's all a watering down of a watering down. I know for a fact that has nothing to do with lack of talent in this country; there are many many artists writers and musicians with something new to say and they say it in authentic and interesting voices. So the only conclusion as to the reason we have such a lame drab arts and media scene in England must be THE GLASS CEILING syndrome where real talent is blocked from expression via the established media outlets.

Something like the glass ceiling existing in the workplace today where it's not about how hard-working or gifted you are in what you do, rather it's about how well you play the shallow political games that go on. How well one acts the subservient underdog and lackey to the boss etc. So in time this filtering process produces a nation of yes men at the helm, because the original bosses were too afraid to give anyone more gifted than them the job. And that is precisely what we have now in Britain. Incompetant target-driven management, way out of their depth. It's only a hard-working labour force that keeps this country on its feet. But I digress.

The Glass Ceiling also exists in the Arts and Media and this, I propose is the reason we had the truly awful Big Brother "idea" drag net'ed ad nauseum this past five years as one example. No new ideas are getting through or accepted. On the contrary they are being repressed deliberately. The artistic expression of a Drone Bee can be easily seen in any media outlet you choose. The top echelons of media power are now protected by The Cliques. And there are three main cliques guarding the glass ceiling to ensure nothing of real talent comes through ( to threaten their own cushy jobs). The reason real talent would threaten their positions is that real talent is not regimented and controlled. The political boat would be rocked by true & free expression and their future professional life, pensions & possible knighthoods threatened by a "maverick" saying the wrong things, even if they happen to be interesting truths. Play Safe is not only a condom slogan, it is also their unspoken motto ~continue with set formulas, thou shalt take no risks.

The first and original clique is the Oxbridge-educated Radio 4-type Mafia. They have been in media power for decades so in a sense this problem is not new, rather it has intensified dramatically in the past few years. One must speak with a plum in ones mouth and have the right connections in this jumped-up world of mutual back-scratching in order to get ones book published, for example. Even if you can't write for absoloute toffee they will find a way around it for you, just look at the all-front former Lord, Jeff " prostitute hunter "Archer. There's no beginning to his talent or end to his courtroom lies, yet he's a multi- millionaire defying the laws of nature ~ he's got something out of being nothing. Next up it's the schmoozing ( cosying up aka "networking" ) Jewish connection. The media is chokka blok with Jewish ladies and gentlemen who now hold many of the top jobs in radio, television and publishing. What they say goes. And they rarely give new opportunities to Gentiles you may note. They promote & give breaks to others on the basis of a one-tick tick list of their being friends or family or connections in the Jewish faith, who may sometimes have a modicum of talent. That is my gripe, please note, the playing field needs a tektonic plate lift. Now people of the Jewish faith I have observed, whilst often being most charming and indeed civilized in their social behaviour are not exactly the greatest of risk-takers by nature, nor are they therefore in my opinion the most creative of people. Rather, in that regard they are rather staid, generally. So we have a dour and grey media to suit our weather. Incidently I don't think it is racist to accurately describe a people, for all races have both good and not so good points in their average character. Its called the rich tapestry of culture ~ or something. Thirdly its the dreaded gay/black/ethnic politically correct brigade. They have sympathy- hi-jacked their way into the Arts under threat of the accusatory calls of " racist! homophobic! " if they are not given a special platform regardless of talent ~which undoubtably some do have. And now one must be one of them ~and it helps to change one's name to something foreign sounding too, to get anywhere near on. Or published. Or seen or heard in the media. A black African lady poet on Radio 4 with the imagination of a bluebottle is lauded to the heavens simply because she has a hard-lick story to tell. Dont get me wrong it should be told, but not at the expense of homegrown dramatically superior and novel and ignored poets in the UK. She got on because she was black, African and a poet. And its TRENDY darling. HE gets on because of Jewish connections. SHE gets published because she has Andy Mc Killop and connections from Cambridge already working at Random House etc etc etc. And the few good ideas these lot do dredge up from time to time are more often than not stolen from unrecognized, undiscovered and rejected talent.

The Result? Exactly what we have now. An artistically very weak, intellectually pretentious and vociferous crowd of woffling Germaine Greers and Melvin Braggs sprawled across the media, providing endless innane pompous irrelevant review-drivel whilst the drama programmers and directors dish out a dumbed-down screenplay diet of violence for violence/entertainments sake. The standard of script writing of 12 yr olds. Truth is repressed. Intellect is mistaken for depth of expression. The talking heads are afraid of anything remotely resembling looking at something in a really fresh way. Mustn't offend the Hooray Henry, the Jewish, the Gay/ Ethnic, PC as hell, boss!
Its all in black and white and different shades of grey, our media. And held together with a good dollop of FEAR. No principles left anymore, no one to take a risk. It's all about CONTROL, the expression of real discovery about life is now strangled and extinct. The subterrain volcano of originality must now find new surface outlets. . . . . or persuade a change of heart at the top with an argument such as " your future profits are only assured by promoting fresh talent, not those who's talent is in nicking ideas and passing them off as their own " .

All Originals take note of the real situation, use your creativity to expose the lies, the dire state of affairs. E.mail this blog to kindred spirits. " Ahh, THAT'S why I've never been given a break." Even if you are blessed with a Shakespearean-depth of original talent; if you are outwith the cliques ( white middle/working class straight British without connections) then your knuckles will be sore from knocking on that glass ceiling and your mind depressed with creative rejection. You don't have a snowball-in hell's chance. It's not bad luck my friend, you are well and truly DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. Big time.


If there's some issue(s) here that float your boat, you can now click on the white letter at end of any blog to send that entry's link by e.mail to a friend or colleague. If you like BTUAE, don't forget to bookmark to return at a click! Let's enlighten the world together. MSM.


. . . it strikes me that most men and womens' sexual fantasies involve abuse, mild or severe, of one's own or someone else's body or mind in one form of expression or another. In answering the question " what's the thought that makes you come? " most folk will blush and dip into their dishonesty reserves. Or feign outrage and back off. I'm not saying love and affection don't exist in relationships but a man at least is schism'd into two parts and the lust bit in the bedroom is about abuse fantasies, overtly expressed or if his partner is straight, secretly thought, during the act. After the man comes ( and sleeps !), then a woman can have the affection she craves ~ if the man has that in his nature. I have researched this somewhat. . . . if a woman imagines she is getting "lovey dovey" from her man in the bedroom she is living in another sad fantasy land.

So we have the rather unpalatable possibility that many of us walking around are the by-products of rape fantasy.

But I'll have to put all this to a psychotherapist some day, see what he/she has to say.
Or if you ARE a psychotherapist do comment herewith below.
Oh my God have you realized? ~ PSYCHO THE RAPIST !


Saturday, April 23, 2005


The BBC are really pulling out all the stops to keep us rivetted to our seats. Last night's exciting " The Two Ronnies Sketch Book" had me mouth agape. Entertained with sheer disbelief. The two aged former BBC mainstays for Saturday nights in are back, not so much Pheonix from the Flame as corpses from the ground- style. God, talk about a Gravy Train! Jesus H. Christ, whos idea was it to wheel out these two kindergarden humour has-beens from the 1970s? Scraping the barrel isn't the phrase; the only one that comes close is Taking the Piss.
As in my previous about the Beeb, they sure need a good response to their adverts for "new talent" if this is the best they can dredge up for 8.30pm peak viewing on a Friday evening.

Contrast this with Darren Brown's mind-bending escapades on C4 one hour later. Really excellent cutting-edge stuff where we are lead to believe the impossible is happening ~ as in the Two Ronnies resurrected only with the opposite entertainment appeal factor. I popped out to the shops whilst the Darren Brown prog was showing ~it was a ghost town, no-one about, I assume all in watching Darren. We're all looking for SOMETHING in our lives hey? Yet if someone came along and said to you, do something really simple and easy for a week and you will be happy, most of us wouldn't even give it a go. So I guess what we really want is to be happy without changing at all. Sorry says Mr God, no can do! MSM.


Let me tell you a story. But it's no Max Bygraves light entertainment so look away now those of you with a sensitive disposition. This isn't pleasant, but it's the way it might be/ is.

Once upon a time warp and hundreds and thousands of light years away ~at least that's still in our own galaxy ~ there are 18,000 other earth-like planets whereon there exists human life. Human life Jim, but not exactly as we know it. These (approx) 18,000 other worlds can be roughly divided into two types, those where the thinking part of the peoples' being is all they know. The other 50% of the worlds are where the intellect or thinking part of peoples' being is about 75% and there, on those worlds there is the development, 25%, of feeling. Only one quarter but better than nothing. So let's call the 100% intellect planets the X planets and the rest the Y planets. The planet Earth is a one-off, it's a sorting office so it does not come under the X or Y catagories., the reason for which will become clear later.
On planets X we can hardly imagine the life conditions of the people there. The technology is incredibly, unimaginably, advanced. And yet the price to pay for their pure intellects is incapacity for feelings and emotions. There is no pity, no mercy, no love. All the people there know is materialism to a large factor, and the fulfillment of their physical desires. There, public sex houses with transparent walls are popular. There, sport involves public torturing of victims. There, Dalek-type machines with human brains transplanted from bodies too old to live, roam. There, your only defense is attack, transport is all flight. There, you must bow to the alpha male rulers ~or die. There, the idea for Star Wars the movie was unconsciously formed. By the real Mc Coy. . . . . . . . . . .mf.
Whereas on the Y planets we have the intoduction of some degree of feeling and emotion, so the above practices on X planets are tempered somewhat by compassion and decency. But by no means entirely.. . . .mf

Meanwhile back on earth there is a curious parallel occurence unfurling. An almost exponential population explosion from the early 19th century onwards to today together with a similar growth in the development of science and technology. The earth is many many times more densely populated than at any time in its recorded history. Co-inciding with the greatest scientific/technological advancement ever.

For those believing in ( or figuring it out logically) reincarnation, there can only be one conclusion. We have a massive influx of new souls ( new to this planet) arriving here from other worlds, bringing with them the intimation of the type and the sensibility of the same development of their native planets. These new souls, from the other planetary systems, as described, have little or no capacity for true emotions or feelings of compassion towards others. There is nothing there to interfere with the freeflowing expression of pure intellect. They are disabled in the true sense of the word ~ and yet are totally unaware of their disability, thinking intellect is the be-all-and-end-all great worshipable god.

Therefore havoc is wreaked across the world. But they have fallen into a trap.
The true rulers of this world, those of the Divinity circle, have sucked these Alien men here to bring about a crisis in consciousness . . . . ..
. . . you can see where this is heading?. .. . .

Friday, April 22, 2005


This obsession with road hump-installation London borough-wide is complete madness gone crazy. I reported to Tina my girlfriend in bed this morning that I didn't particularly feel in the " blog mood " today. She reminded me about the ROAD humps and here I am, 10m later, raring to blog. There's many a long sweeping drag up't hill and down't dale hereabouts, the lovely suburbs of Muswell Hill. The local councul, the gold star PC Haringey are installing these tarmacadam whalebacks every 100m along with triggered flashing 20mph signs. This in addition to their preoccupation over the past 2 years with narrowing roads at junctions and gating off cut-throughs, thus achieving the condensing and jamming of traffic nearby. As if this isn't enough the humps are way over the top in size and near kerb steepness, forcing traffic to a veritable slug's pace for long stretches ( 20mph limit? if only!) making a short journey a Le Mans 24- tribulation. Or risk a broken suspension. Which is what happened to your loyal blogger. It's a shot left rear coil core spring and makes the van ( as in camper) step out of line when hitting potholes on right hand bends ~a scary fright indeed. So a fair wedge to fix it I guess, thank you Haringey but unusually, I won't be taking you to court over this ~I already owe you over £1000 in unpaid parking fines! No way will I pay up now! It's a fair cop. We must all fight fire with fire over the endless imposition of new petty laws and public-unconsulted quango restrictions on our liberties. Use your creativity to short-circuit Blair's * control-freak culture. Or we are all doomed. MSM.

* Blair Bitch Project (2)
Wear a T.Shirt that depicts the evil smiling Blair sporting the one-fingered " up you" gesture, and with the attached speech bubble,
" Spin on THIS, Democracy "


Bloody London buses ~they are way too wi i i i i i de for the city's roads. Please someone tell Transport for London these hideous red tanks are clotting our urban highways and roads. Please someone tell uncle Ken. They are holding up traffic rather than easing it. Cars and commercial veh's cannot overtake when they stop and they stop for ages because the driver has to garner the money off the fare-paying public before he moves on. These red clunks are much wider than those fab old Routemasters with conductors aboard. They used to skip around London with ease, only stopping for a minimum of time to let people on. Then the great sound of that bell on a cord rung by the jolly conductor and off we went! Sprightly as you like. And two foot narrower, ideal for narrow London streets and heavy traffic. Like New Labour, these monster new buses are a retrograde step, only introduced to make profit for the TFL fatcats. NEW IS NOT AUTOMATICALLY BETTER. Hundreds of these wastes of space can be seen running around nearly empty after 7pm but that's ok because they are subsidised to the hilt. Another SCAM I say! Lining the pockets of the directors at LT or TFL. GET THESE RED DINOSAURS OFF OUR STREETS AND INTO SERVICE ON WIDE ROUTES OR INTO THE SCRAPYARD! BRING BACK A REVAMPED VERSION OF THE ROUTEMASTER WITH CONDUCTORS. Less fatcat profit, more Q.O.L for the public. Let the campaign start here. Ken you hate the 4X4 tanks, just lift your gaze from the kerb for a moment. Go by car for a change ~ and OBSERVE.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


You'll never see a sadder sight. There they are pumping themselves into a coronary-inducing red-faced stinky sweat-soaked frenzy convinced they will shed the pounds by the shed-load, as it were. Like bloated purple reptiles shedding scales for the scales.
It's the CARBS, lads, the FRIGGING CARBS you are putting into your gobs wot is doin the dammidge.
Ok don't listen, keep cramming down the white slices with a Red Sea sugar equivalent density cuppa, keep burping down the 1664. And kknacker yourselves in the gym trying to lose the Michelin waist. And come back and read BTUAE this time next year and tell me I'm right.
I know it sounds odd lads ( and laddettes) but a fish and cheese diet for a week will lose you half a stone. And cut cholestrol levels. Trust BTUAE! Trust! As the old song goes, , ,There's no other way, there is no other way. CUT THOSE CARBS!!!
Much much more on this to come so tune in again pop pickers. MSM


This wind farm baloney is getting up my nose. Today's Times relates the Winash proposal on the eastern fringe of our bonny Lake District. A 5 mile stretch of many 400ft space age silver windmill towers set amidst ancient and rare landscape. Again, as in my previous this morning, in the respect of " white and deadly" the truth is in a stock-still calm about these monstrosities.

The " Friends of the Earth" lies must be exposed. THERE IS NO BENEFIT EITHER FINANCIALLY OR GLOBAL WARMING- WISE TO WIND FARMS. None whatsoever. The reason being that our coal, oil and nuclear powered electricity generating stations, which still produce over 90% of our total consumption have to be kept running continually at near max capacity, they cannot be closed down or slowed down because the cost of re-starting them is astronomic. So the greenhouse gases and nuclear waste will still be produced at the same level regardless of the tiny input from these farms. Even if we fill the entire country with a forest of them ( God must forbid) the industry would still have to keep the oil/gas/coal/nuclear polluters running ~in case the wind drops. And you may be surprised that has been known to happen, yes even "oop nooarth".

So why all the enthusiasm for these silver alien horrors blotting our landscape? I put it to you it is again financial. Landowners get c. £10,000 per annum per windmill on their land. The windfarm company can sell the surplus electricity to the N. Grid and abroad and the taxpayer meets all the costs. Why then HM Govt. covert backing? Check out the board of directors of Chalmerston, the windfarm co. Like the Millenium Dome lined Labour supporters' purses, I'll wager it's another ( though this time ongoing) Taxpayers rip off scam, a way of laundering the taxpayers' dosh into little piggy pinstripe pockets in Westminster. What a brilliant SCAM!
So " Friends Of the Earth " are a shameless bunch of fraudsters and liars and deceivers in my opinion.. . . ... . . .must dash to the post it's getting too, er, Private Eye by far. . MSM


Our evil food industry. A quick note before I leave for the "office".
Poor old salt is lambasted via Sid the slug ads, the govt. pours ( sic) £millions into this anti-salt campaign. Ok, overconsumption of salt will kill you but there again, overconsumption of anything will also kill you. Addition of salt in foods just isn't needed, there is enough already in vegetables etc. But like sugar, it's added to titilate taste buds into buying the product. The real enemies of this land are refined carbohydrate foods such as white flour, sugar and rice. They jack up and spike the blood sugar levels so abruptly that the body cannot possibly burn all the energy produced ( unless you are running a marathon ) and so most is stored as FAT. We don't see HM Govt. warning us so much on sugar huh? I don't see any health minister telling us the FACT that we don't need sugar in our diets ~we need it in our bloodstream. And the body produces its own sugar-energy naturally from a truly balanced diet. Wise up UK, the Govt. are in the pockets of Tate & Lyle, the great poisoners of our people. Refined carbohydrates as hard to quit as heroin? Don't put me on! Surely not. .. more t.f. MSM


Good morning England. Get your carbed-up heads above your knees! Come on you know you can do it. As your bleary peepers gaze out stupor-like through the a.m. murk and drizzle, ready or not for the grim trawl to work through the carbon monoxide gridlock, know as you watch the horrendous psychotic cheery smiling faces on breakfast television there is one good thing in your life, one saving grace in your English fate ~ Blog, the universe and everything.

I see on the telly again the BBC are looking for " new talent".
First they sack half their workforce then they put out ads for new talent.
What does this tell us about life at the BBC top trough?
They can cancel their search now, they can nick away instead from B.T.U.A.E.

A wee supplement to yesterday's political comment. George double you Bush ( double you up in laughter that is). This guy is too odd for words. Even mine. Definitely an alien. Of aliens and men I shall speak later, you may or may not recognize in subterrain your own origin.

Well we had better get this plagiarization nicking stuff out of the way I suppose. Here is a list and I quite understand you will read in total disbelief. Nevertheless it must be said.

" ONE TO ONE " ( Yes really!) , " 24/7 ", " underwhelmed", " point and shoot " ( leading to all the spin-offs) , recent popularizing of " legacy" & " transparency". Graphics-wise, the horizontal stripes and lines you see words and images made up from in logos presentations etc. A whole host of camera tricks you see on TV such as MOVE AND ZOOM 3D effect which is now widely used in film and television productions world-wide. Mf.
Oh there are many others, it's just that it pains me to recite them all in one go. Just take the fact, I started/invented/popularized them. As I said at the start, ideas don't half get around.

Media chiefs, I could crank up your script- writing team. Company directors, I could work wonders for your copywriting and ad' visualization.~ There's an ace up my sleeve to promote NESCAFE for example. Take the chance ~ try me.

The new pontiff is elected. The oldest in a millenia. He stands smirking proudly in his red & gold cross origami hat and long, flowing silk drapes, surrounded by the biggest store house of treasure and money in the world. He will soon be up and preaching about poverty and how it is a very very BAD thing ( which I suppose is why HE has avoided it ). If we look for poverty of spirit we should look no further than the Vatican. I won't bring our lovely Queen in here as a parallel although it is sorely tempting to so do.. . . . . oops.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Oh and lets not forget the other two "front runners" before I move on. Yes the adorable Michael Howard. How (sic) about, as in George " gorgeous " Galloway, we appel Michael " adorable" Howard? " He who casts no shadow" nickname is rather too cruel. Mister Poll Tax himself elected as new Tory leader.. . . What's up at Conservative C.O? They seem to have a self-destruct button built in these days. Maybe it's their karma re-visited from the vicious Thatcher years I don't know, but hell, the blind lemmings just keep shooting theit party in the foot. Mekon Hague and then the quiet man ( he who casts no prescence) ~and now this 63 yr old grey dud from the past.
However much their Aussie wit PR man jazzes him up, however much he steals Kilroy's immigrant rant clothes, it's back bench time come May 6th and his Chancellor can go back to his gravy train cush job for the boy in the merchant city.
And this brings us on to the ginger Highlander with the yellow tie. Why isn't he campaigning mainstream on the phoney war his party opposed? Instead it's local council tax and student fees. You won't get in on that Charlie. You need vision my lad, maybe the vision to give the promising lady in your ranks a go at the helm. (He knows who I mean) Or he can always tune in to Blog, the Universe and everything for his daily dram of inspiration. But between you and me I doubt he has the stomach for PM office, I mean, you'd have to be mad to . .. .
Nigh Nite folks, MSM.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


How to start? At the beginning of course. Ideas idea ideas, thet don't half get around don't they? I've had so many of mine nicked and prostituted over the years, I mean it ~and I'll tell you of them later ~that I thought hell, let's give them away and try and get this drab country up off its sheep front knees.
So here's your starter for ten folks; The sheer nerve of Blair* standing for election with the conscience he must have over Iraq. Just shows the complete ego-arrogance of the man.Now he wheels on Brown as a kind of assuaging side-tracking vote winner. As if to say vote for me and you'll get him. You may as well resign now and enjoy your "conscience eating you alive for the rest of your days " life Tony. Al topics up for discussion, I can discussion-do spiritual, new/old ideas, Science & Tech, Arts, Political New Age material, philosophical, funny ha ha funny perculiar but please oh please I beg of you not PC-ness, ok?
Or you will get put through a log stripper alive ( intellectually of course). Cheers. MSM

* Blair bitch project ( 1)
How many of Thatcher's cruel and repressive laws passed during her 18year reign did our good Tony revoke? Sweet fanny adams is the answer. THAT'S how Labour He is. What a jumped- up hot air merchant. A smart nerd is a dangerous nerd. ALIEN ALERT!