NEW ENGLANDER, TM. Artist, conceptual surreal & abstract. All-round visionary TM. Inventor, Musician, Writer ( black comedy, science fiction)& Poet. Photographer & Film Maker. Dedicated spiritual seeker. Philosopher/Devotee. Working class hero. Creative original mind. This Blog a resource, hub and tool in sparking a new and free Britain, where real talent, compassion and sane values are promoted.

Location: London

Michael St. Mark is selectively available to companies to enhance their corporate image with visionary totally new imaginations and inspirations. To innovate new marketing strategy and creatively troubleshoot. A copywriting expert with real panache, he will add punch and startle to your advertising campaign, beef up your sitcom writing team. He is also open to regular column offers within ethical journalism and advances for fiction and science fiction novel publications.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Has anyone noticed these past few years the deterioration in originality and creativity throughout the media? Or if you prefer a simplification, chronic shortage of downright interesting stuff?
Whether it be the music scene, fiction, television or radio, it's all a watering down of a watering down. I know for a fact that has nothing to do with lack of talent in this country; there are many many artists writers and musicians with something new to say and they say it in authentic and interesting voices. So the only conclusion as to the reason we have such a lame drab arts and media scene in England must be THE GLASS CEILING syndrome where real talent is blocked from expression via the established media outlets.

Something like the glass ceiling existing in the workplace today where it's not about how hard-working or gifted you are in what you do, rather it's about how well you play the shallow political games that go on. How well one acts the subservient underdog and lackey to the boss etc. So in time this filtering process produces a nation of yes men at the helm, because the original bosses were too afraid to give anyone more gifted than them the job. And that is precisely what we have now in Britain. Incompetant target-driven management, way out of their depth. It's only a hard-working labour force that keeps this country on its feet. But I digress.

The Glass Ceiling also exists in the Arts and Media and this, I propose is the reason we had the truly awful Big Brother "idea" drag net'ed ad nauseum this past five years as one example. No new ideas are getting through or accepted. On the contrary they are being repressed deliberately. The artistic expression of a Drone Bee can be easily seen in any media outlet you choose. The top echelons of media power are now protected by The Cliques. And there are three main cliques guarding the glass ceiling to ensure nothing of real talent comes through ( to threaten their own cushy jobs). The reason real talent would threaten their positions is that real talent is not regimented and controlled. The political boat would be rocked by true & free expression and their future professional life, pensions & possible knighthoods threatened by a "maverick" saying the wrong things, even if they happen to be interesting truths. Play Safe is not only a condom slogan, it is also their unspoken motto ~continue with set formulas, thou shalt take no risks.

The first and original clique is the Oxbridge-educated Radio 4-type Mafia. They have been in media power for decades so in a sense this problem is not new, rather it has intensified dramatically in the past few years. One must speak with a plum in ones mouth and have the right connections in this jumped-up world of mutual back-scratching in order to get ones book published, for example. Even if you can't write for absoloute toffee they will find a way around it for you, just look at the all-front former Lord, Jeff " prostitute hunter "Archer. There's no beginning to his talent or end to his courtroom lies, yet he's a multi- millionaire defying the laws of nature ~ he's got something out of being nothing. Next up it's the schmoozing ( cosying up aka "networking" ) Jewish connection. The media is chokka blok with Jewish ladies and gentlemen who now hold many of the top jobs in radio, television and publishing. What they say goes. And they rarely give new opportunities to Gentiles you may note. They promote & give breaks to others on the basis of a one-tick tick list of their being friends or family or connections in the Jewish faith, who may sometimes have a modicum of talent. That is my gripe, please note, the playing field needs a tektonic plate lift. Now people of the Jewish faith I have observed, whilst often being most charming and indeed civilized in their social behaviour are not exactly the greatest of risk-takers by nature, nor are they therefore in my opinion the most creative of people. Rather, in that regard they are rather staid, generally. So we have a dour and grey media to suit our weather. Incidently I don't think it is racist to accurately describe a people, for all races have both good and not so good points in their average character. Its called the rich tapestry of culture ~ or something. Thirdly its the dreaded gay/black/ethnic politically correct brigade. They have sympathy- hi-jacked their way into the Arts under threat of the accusatory calls of " racist! homophobic! " if they are not given a special platform regardless of talent ~which undoubtably some do have. And now one must be one of them ~and it helps to change one's name to something foreign sounding too, to get anywhere near on. Or published. Or seen or heard in the media. A black African lady poet on Radio 4 with the imagination of a bluebottle is lauded to the heavens simply because she has a hard-lick story to tell. Dont get me wrong it should be told, but not at the expense of homegrown dramatically superior and novel and ignored poets in the UK. She got on because she was black, African and a poet. And its TRENDY darling. HE gets on because of Jewish connections. SHE gets published because she has Andy Mc Killop and connections from Cambridge already working at Random House etc etc etc. And the few good ideas these lot do dredge up from time to time are more often than not stolen from unrecognized, undiscovered and rejected talent.

The Result? Exactly what we have now. An artistically very weak, intellectually pretentious and vociferous crowd of woffling Germaine Greers and Melvin Braggs sprawled across the media, providing endless innane pompous irrelevant review-drivel whilst the drama programmers and directors dish out a dumbed-down screenplay diet of violence for violence/entertainments sake. The standard of script writing of 12 yr olds. Truth is repressed. Intellect is mistaken for depth of expression. The talking heads are afraid of anything remotely resembling looking at something in a really fresh way. Mustn't offend the Hooray Henry, the Jewish, the Gay/ Ethnic, PC as hell, boss!
Its all in black and white and different shades of grey, our media. And held together with a good dollop of FEAR. No principles left anymore, no one to take a risk. It's all about CONTROL, the expression of real discovery about life is now strangled and extinct. The subterrain volcano of originality must now find new surface outlets. . . . . or persuade a change of heart at the top with an argument such as " your future profits are only assured by promoting fresh talent, not those who's talent is in nicking ideas and passing them off as their own " .

All Originals take note of the real situation, use your creativity to expose the lies, the dire state of affairs. E.mail this blog to kindred spirits. " Ahh, THAT'S why I've never been given a break." Even if you are blessed with a Shakespearean-depth of original talent; if you are outwith the cliques ( white middle/working class straight British without connections) then your knuckles will be sore from knocking on that glass ceiling and your mind depressed with creative rejection. You don't have a snowball-in hell's chance. It's not bad luck my friend, you are well and truly DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. Big time.


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