NEW ENGLANDER, TM. Artist, conceptual surreal & abstract. All-round visionary TM. Inventor, Musician, Writer ( black comedy, science fiction)& Poet. Photographer & Film Maker. Dedicated spiritual seeker. Philosopher/Devotee. Working class hero. Creative original mind. This Blog a resource, hub and tool in sparking a new and free Britain, where real talent, compassion and sane values are promoted.

Location: London

Michael St. Mark is selectively available to companies to enhance their corporate image with visionary totally new imaginations and inspirations. To innovate new marketing strategy and creatively troubleshoot. A copywriting expert with real panache, he will add punch and startle to your advertising campaign, beef up your sitcom writing team. He is also open to regular column offers within ethical journalism and advances for fiction and science fiction novel publications.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


This wind farm baloney is getting up my nose. Today's Times relates the Winash proposal on the eastern fringe of our bonny Lake District. A 5 mile stretch of many 400ft space age silver windmill towers set amidst ancient and rare landscape. Again, as in my previous this morning, in the respect of " white and deadly" the truth is in a stock-still calm about these monstrosities.

The " Friends of the Earth" lies must be exposed. THERE IS NO BENEFIT EITHER FINANCIALLY OR GLOBAL WARMING- WISE TO WIND FARMS. None whatsoever. The reason being that our coal, oil and nuclear powered electricity generating stations, which still produce over 90% of our total consumption have to be kept running continually at near max capacity, they cannot be closed down or slowed down because the cost of re-starting them is astronomic. So the greenhouse gases and nuclear waste will still be produced at the same level regardless of the tiny input from these farms. Even if we fill the entire country with a forest of them ( God must forbid) the industry would still have to keep the oil/gas/coal/nuclear polluters running ~in case the wind drops. And you may be surprised that has been known to happen, yes even "oop nooarth".

So why all the enthusiasm for these silver alien horrors blotting our landscape? I put it to you it is again financial. Landowners get c. £10,000 per annum per windmill on their land. The windfarm company can sell the surplus electricity to the N. Grid and abroad and the taxpayer meets all the costs. Why then HM Govt. covert backing? Check out the board of directors of Chalmerston, the windfarm co. Like the Millenium Dome lined Labour supporters' purses, I'll wager it's another ( though this time ongoing) Taxpayers rip off scam, a way of laundering the taxpayers' dosh into little piggy pinstripe pockets in Westminster. What a brilliant SCAM!
So " Friends Of the Earth " are a shameless bunch of fraudsters and liars and deceivers in my opinion.. . . ... . . .must dash to the post it's getting too, er, Private Eye by far. . MSM


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