NEW ENGLANDER, TM. Artist, conceptual surreal & abstract. All-round visionary TM. Inventor, Musician, Writer ( black comedy, science fiction)& Poet. Photographer & Film Maker. Dedicated spiritual seeker. Philosopher/Devotee. Working class hero. Creative original mind. This Blog a resource, hub and tool in sparking a new and free Britain, where real talent, compassion and sane values are promoted.

Location: London

Michael St. Mark is selectively available to companies to enhance their corporate image with visionary totally new imaginations and inspirations. To innovate new marketing strategy and creatively troubleshoot. A copywriting expert with real panache, he will add punch and startle to your advertising campaign, beef up your sitcom writing team. He is also open to regular column offers within ethical journalism and advances for fiction and science fiction novel publications.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Oh and lets not forget the other two "front runners" before I move on. Yes the adorable Michael Howard. How (sic) about, as in George " gorgeous " Galloway, we appel Michael " adorable" Howard? " He who casts no shadow" nickname is rather too cruel. Mister Poll Tax himself elected as new Tory leader.. . . What's up at Conservative C.O? They seem to have a self-destruct button built in these days. Maybe it's their karma re-visited from the vicious Thatcher years I don't know, but hell, the blind lemmings just keep shooting theit party in the foot. Mekon Hague and then the quiet man ( he who casts no prescence) ~and now this 63 yr old grey dud from the past.
However much their Aussie wit PR man jazzes him up, however much he steals Kilroy's immigrant rant clothes, it's back bench time come May 6th and his Chancellor can go back to his gravy train cush job for the boy in the merchant city.
And this brings us on to the ginger Highlander with the yellow tie. Why isn't he campaigning mainstream on the phoney war his party opposed? Instead it's local council tax and student fees. You won't get in on that Charlie. You need vision my lad, maybe the vision to give the promising lady in your ranks a go at the helm. (He knows who I mean) Or he can always tune in to Blog, the Universe and everything for his daily dram of inspiration. But between you and me I doubt he has the stomach for PM office, I mean, you'd have to be mad to . .. .
Nigh Nite folks, MSM.


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