The BBC are really pulling out all the stops to keep us rivetted to our seats. Last night's exciting " The Two Ronnies Sketch Book" had me mouth agape. Entertained with sheer disbelief. The two aged former BBC mainstays for Saturday nights in are back, not so much Pheonix from the Flame as corpses from the ground- style. God, talk about a Gravy Train! Jesus H. Christ, whos idea was it to wheel out these two kindergarden humour has-beens from the 1970s? Scraping the barrel isn't the phrase; the only one that comes close is Taking the Piss.
As in my previous about the Beeb, they sure need a good response to their adverts for "new talent" if this is the best they can dredge up for 8.30pm peak viewing on a Friday evening.
Contrast this with Darren Brown's mind-bending escapades on C4 one hour later. Really excellent cutting-edge stuff where we are lead to believe the impossible is happening ~ as in the Two Ronnies resurrected only with the opposite entertainment appeal factor. I popped out to the shops whilst the Darren Brown prog was showing ~it was a ghost town, no-one about, I assume all in watching Darren. We're all looking for SOMETHING in our lives hey? Yet if someone came along and said to you, do something really simple and easy for a week and you will be happy, most of us wouldn't even give it a go. So I guess what we really want is to be happy without changing at all. Sorry says Mr God, no can do! MSM.
Call out GOURANGA!
And feel the highest happiness.
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