Bloody London buses ~they are way too wi i i i i i de for the city's roads. Please someone tell Transport for London these hideous red tanks are clotting our urban highways and roads. Please someone tell uncle Ken. They are holding up traffic rather than easing it. Cars and commercial veh's cannot overtake when they stop and they stop for ages because the driver has to garner the money off the fare-paying public before he moves on. These red clunks are much wider than those fab old Routemasters with conductors aboard. They used to skip around London with ease, only stopping for a minimum of time to let people on. Then the great sound of that bell on a cord rung by the jolly conductor and off we went! Sprightly as you like. And two foot narrower, ideal for narrow London streets and heavy traffic. Like New Labour, these monster new buses are a retrograde step, only introduced to make profit for the TFL fatcats. NEW IS NOT AUTOMATICALLY BETTER. Hundreds of these wastes of space can be seen running around nearly empty after 7pm but that's ok because they are subsidised to the hilt. Another SCAM I say! Lining the pockets of the directors at LT or TFL. GET THESE RED DINOSAURS OFF OUR STREETS AND INTO SERVICE ON WIDE ROUTES OR INTO THE SCRAPYARD! BRING BACK A REVAMPED VERSION OF THE ROUTEMASTER WITH CONDUCTORS. Less fatcat profit, more Q.O.L for the public. Let the campaign start here. Ken you hate the 4X4 tanks, just lift your gaze from the kerb for a moment. Go by car for a change ~ and OBSERVE.
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