A headline news story today is the announcement of the opening of the largest wind farm site in the UK, in mid-Wales on the mountain plateau of Cefn Croes, at a cost of £50m. This is just for starters according to HM Government ( Blair), who put out that they are committed to wind power as part of their drive for cleaner electricity. This ties in of course with Blair's pretend concern over greehouse gas emmission and global warming.
Before we launch into the subject proper, a sideline of thought for consideration by all proper-thinking people might be the question; if Tony Blair claims to be so humane as to have fatherly concern about us all and about our children's futures, rising sea levels etc, that he somehow is convinced is being caused by carbon emmisions ( and that is another dodgy assumption anyway), how is it that he was prepared to send Bristish troops to their deaths in Iraq on the back of a fabricated and non-existent threat to our country? The man doesn't have a compassionate bone in his body. And if he does it's borrowed from the queen of heartless - Thatcher.
The wind farm jigsaw is now complete with a letter written to TGO magazine ( The Great Outdoors) by Professor Peter A. Bullough of Sheffield University. In it he states and I quote;
" This is a nasty industry dominated by huge multinational energy companies, many with major interests in "politically incorrect" fossil fuel and nuclear generation. I suspect that many of your readers might have been reluctant to oppose wind power, in the belief that it is a real alternative to coal, gas or nuclear -it is not. Anybody who makes the effort to understand how electricity generation and grid distribution works will realize what a scam the whole business is.
When wind is available, "conventional" turbines ( nuclear or fossil fuel) are NOT switched off, they are connected in parallel with the wind turbines. As the output from wind turbines is unpredictable ( often our weather is also calm ) the conventional turbines must continue to run at near-maximum torque to smooth out variation in the wind power. This means steam pressure ( that drives the conventional turbines) must be kept up and the furnaces that are supplied with fossil fuel must keep running even though the conventional turbines might not be supplying any real power.
The Danes didn't realize this in their headlong dash for wind. However, they have lately discovered that even though they can now generate 20 per cent of their electricity needs from wind, their consumption of fossil fuels and emmmissions of carbon dioxide are virtually the same as before, with or without the wind blowing.
Unfortunately our government listens only to the advice of the wind power industry and to the "green" lobby, both of which seem determined to ignore these inconvenient facts. If you are concerned,I suggest writing to your MP, MSP or AM - he or she might need educating."
-Prof. Peter A. Bullough
University of Sheffield
TGO Magazine, April 2004
This, combined with my THIS WIND FARM BALONEY 2 previous blog (please read) in which I recount another article implicating Blair and the Labour Party in with the directorship of the company who manufacture the wind turbines, should be enough for any reasonable person to see clearly what is going on behind this government's farcical public facade on wind power.
Which is that this shameless Government, headed by the most unscrupulous politician at work in the western world today is prepared to see the ravaging of some of the most precious landscape left untouched on this small island together with the waste of millions of taxpayers' money; on something which does not affect carbon emissions at all. And he knows it!
All to line his and his cronies' fatcat pockets.
And so should " Friends Of The Earth" know it by now. What on earth are they doing supporting something which is redundant, inneffectual, environmentally destructive and retrograde? Tony Juniper WAKE UP and smell the coffee, before FOE become a complete laughing stock.
In a real democracy - not a sham one - Blair would be locked up in the big house along with Saddam.
Please forward this Truth e. mail to all thinking individuals you know before the whole countryside is covered with these giant spinning obscenities by this wolf-in-sheeps-clothing bare-faced liar Blair, the spin king of deceit and deception.
I wonder how many people realise that it would take 15000 wind turbines running at full output just to replace one coal or oil fired power station.
So in the UK that means mosy of the Pennines covered just to equal Drax, Eggborough and Ferrybridge all of which are located off a 15 mile stretch of the M62 motorway.
Wales and most of Dartmoor and Exemoor would suffer the same fate.
I rather like landscapes. Perhaps its time to talk about the N word.
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