Before we move away from the grubby world of politics I can't resist mentioning our Tony again, featured as he was in today's tabloids appearing all contrite, saying he has " learnt " from and "listened" to the way the British people have voted. We presume he is refering to the Iraq war but he won't be drawn on exactly what he feels he has learnt ~of course.
The problem is that he knew how the British people felt about the war in the weeks leading up to it ( massive demonstrations, polls etc) yet chose to ignore that virtual vote. So in effect he didn't want to learn and listen then but he does now ~ after the slaughter. So he would like us to believe he is a changed man. This is a new one ~ the contrite mask.
I think he has such a vast repertoire of political masks in his wardrobe that he no longer knows how to express a genuine reaction in public. Perhaps this " learning" and "listening" is the closest we will ever get to an expression of secret regret or guilt. I shudder to think what all this has done and will do to his inner life. Must hand it to him though, he's some tough cookie to have kept his heart out of all this. ALIEN ALERT!
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