A dentist's nightmare, this blog. His mainstay of income buggered, his raison d'etre almost gone.
About every three months for 20 years I had to reluctantly report to my dentist with problems. A hole to be drilled & filled here and there, progressing to root canal treatments through to some extractions and crowns fitted. Thousands of quid into their pockets. The pain made my eyes water. Now I'm the Barry Sheen of dentistry, all darkly shining amalgam, posts and caps. Ok I was a bit of a sweets & chocolate junkie but I did brush and mouthwash. I was also nearly 17st or 230lbs.
I've been without any sugar whatsover for over two years now ~ one does not need sugar in ones diet but in ones bloodstream and the body produces its own sugar from a healthy diet ~ and I went back for a check-up only last week, the first in the 2 years ~ and diddly squat work to be done. I'm also down to 13st and feel great.
How about that!
This is only one example of how this wretched evil food industry is causing suffering amongst the ignorant populace. Now here's the GUTS of the matter.
Widespread and large-portion ingestion of refined and high carbohydrate foods in the forms of pizzas, cakes, crisps, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, bread, potatoes, cereals, pasta and rice are causing epidemic levels not only of obesity but also depression, lethargy and fearsome cholestrol levels inducing heart attacks and strokes.
No wonder the nation is in such a fucking state.
These refined and high carbohydrate foods are filling retailers' shelves and are also highly, highly addictive. These "foods" are also highly, highly profitable for the industry. No one dares take on Tate & Lyle. These evil weasels know the effect their poisonous products are having on peoples' health so they employ paid off scientific lap dog yes men to conduct phoney research with rigged published results such as "a healthy diet requires sugar". . . The Govt. then giving a nod and a wink and the go-ahead for more suffering to be unleashed on our people under the excuse of " research shows. .. ." and " a healthy diet includes sugar. . ."
Shameless unprincipled bastards.
Up until c. 1800, everyone on the planet was a fat-burner and produced their own blood sugars. We were evolved on a low carbohydrate high fat diet. Look at animals in the wild ~ they're as fit as butchers' dogs.
By switching to a high fat ( cheese, fish, meat & veg (( no spuds!)) & some fruit) diet the body switches from burning the calories in carbs to burning the calories in fat, for energy. Fat-burning hormones are then naturally produced which also BURN THE FAT STORED IN THE BODY as well as IN THE ARTERIES ( cholestrol). Healthy weight loss, increase in energy & feelings of well being, drop in bad cholestrol levels and blood pressure are the results.
Conversely, burning these refined carbs means this fat-burning mechanism is switched OFF so all the excess calories in the food are stored as fat ~ on the body and in the arteries. Refined carbohydrates are also proven to depress the CNS and debilitate energy levels.
Take note if you want a happy healthy life folk. Atkins tells it like it is. And tough, dentists. You can always re-train as plumbers or car mechanics.
Hey! I find your blog very interesting! You should check out mine sometime! Thanks, great work and keep writing!!!
Hey, I agree with you about the carbs, but I think you'ved stopped before the full story. What seems to happen after years of refined-carb abuse is our pancreas (what is the plural of that, I wonder?) goes kaput. This would account for the rise in diabetes. The low-carb thing worked for me, but I also have numerous severe food allergies, and it's hard for me to exist on only chicken and spinach. I have read that modern humans, because all our food is so highly processed, do not get enough chromium in their diets. Guess what chromium does? It stabilizes blood sugar. I started taking chromium and found that I was losing weight rapidly, even though I had added back some carbs, fruit and whole grain type things, sheerly out of desperation to eat something beside chicken and spinach. I still don't eat refined carbs, and I am continuing to lose weight, I am sleeping better, and my skin looks better than it has in years. I have noticed that there is some concern about the safety of chromium picolinate, so I am about to hit the stores looking for an alternate form.
Yes Sharon, thanks for the info about chromium ~I'll have to try it.
Your comment about the pancreas is important in that insulin, which it produces is used to transport sugar to the body's cells for energy. So if the pancreas is damaged by countless hits or spikes of refined sugars over years, then its function becomes sluggish and not enough sugar reaches the muscles etc and tiredness and lethargy set in. Hence Diabetes and the need for insulin injections.
However Atkins says the pancreas's function can be revived by refraining from the refined carbs over a period too.
Also he mentions about deserts etc, that you can still have these treats as well as moderate carb foods, potatoes etc > but his catchprase was brilliant.
So you don't have to stick to " chicken & spinach"
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