NEW ENGLANDER, TM. Artist, conceptual surreal & abstract. All-round visionary TM. Inventor, Musician, Writer ( black comedy, science fiction)& Poet. Photographer & Film Maker. Dedicated spiritual seeker. Philosopher/Devotee. Working class hero. Creative original mind. This Blog a resource, hub and tool in sparking a new and free Britain, where real talent, compassion and sane values are promoted.

Location: London

Michael St. Mark is selectively available to companies to enhance their corporate image with visionary totally new imaginations and inspirations. To innovate new marketing strategy and creatively troubleshoot. A copywriting expert with real panache, he will add punch and startle to your advertising campaign, beef up your sitcom writing team. He is also open to regular column offers within ethical journalism and advances for fiction and science fiction novel publications.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Outlining plans for the UK's six-month EU presidency, Blair argues that the " EU faces a crisis in political leadership and would fail on a grand scale if it did not change to win back public support ".
Surely our Tony is talking about himself here. After all, he should know about failure on a grand scale. On the day he is woffling and pontificating off to a bloated corrupt gaggle of Euro MPs, 30 more people are blown up in Iraq car bombings. The country is a seething wasp's nest of militancy and the country's infrastructure a complete basket case. Yet here's the angelic Tony waving all that aside as if it never happened or that he has any responsibility at all for that dire state of affairs and for the massive scale of human suffering that has resulted from his decision to go to war on false pretexts and poodling up to the warmonger Bush.

" Only by change will Europe recover its strength, its relevance and its idealism " ( by facing up to Globalization)

Yes Tony, and the best change of all will be when you yourself leave the political stage for good.
We know the type of economy you have in mind for Europe, because you are rolling it out over here, with sweatshop working conditions and hours, population taxed to the hilt in all areas except the air they breathe and fed a daily diet of lies, cover-ups of major scams and gravy train jobs for your boys, NHS full of your managers, superbugs untackled, mass immigration allowed to drive down pay and conditions.

SLAVE LABOUR? You can shove it where the sun doesn't shine Blair/Brown and I hope you get the same message from Europe over these next 6 months. The people don't want your soul-less "vision". It's a vision of hell, where the working masses are nailed to the floor with loaded legislation and crippling tax burdens. The people of France and Holland were voting against all the things that Blair stands for ( mass immigration from an expanded-eastwards Europe and reform of working laws and practices to in effect force workers to work harder for less and introduce"sack-on-the-spot" employers rights ) . He's in for a shock if he tries to soft soap the French as he has his own sheepish population. Remember, those French farmers take crap from no one.

We get the timescale of the Blair-Brown handover here, I feel. If there is an agreement between them, it'll be the end of the 6-month EU presidency stint when Blair hands over to Brown. Blair's huge ego just can't resist that last rush of power from being at the helm in Europe and his last chance to go down in history as some kind of heroic reformer, when in practice the only reform he has in mind is to do the dirty work of his friends in the global multinationals and to " crack" the socialists in France - the last bastion of democratic rights for workers and people in the western world today.

Can't you just see right through this vicious clown's mask?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, so right Michael. How do we get the population of this country to understand what our government is trying to do to Europe. I admire the nationalism shown by the French.
Unfortunately any political party, media group or activists who dare not tow the official government line is ridiculed or completely ignored. The British National Party, whilst not espousing my idealogy has rattled the authorities enough to virtually shut them up yet they have obviously tapped into the phyche of the areas where they are voted into office.
The Referendum Party-kicked into touch. Veritas the same, Greens treated as loonies.
Now Blair, having said that the house of Lords is a useless old relic of the past is busy filling it up with his cronies.
I understood we lived in a democracy, a big philosophical question about what is democracy I know........this is not the kind of democracy I wish to be a part of.

2:52 PM  

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